Sunday, June 06, 2004

Quick Blips

Maureen Dowd does that mind-reading thing she specializes in when she says:

One thing we know for sure: Bill Clinton is going to do what it takes to sell more books than the best-selling author he refers to as "my senator."

Of course, I suppose it isn't that much of a feat - anyone knows that there's not a man alive who doesn't feel like he has to beat his wife at all fields of endeavor.

(note for the sarcasm-impaired - I do not believe the preceding sentence; I'm being snide to make a point. Did you get it?)

Heh. Blondesense on Bush:

It's no secret that Bush has 'cheating husband syndrome' (meaning he accuses others of doing exactly what he is doing), or that he likes to play dress up boy, or that he is a dry drunk, that he can't speak in public, that he doesn't understand American history and the US Constitution and doesn't seem to care or maybe, just maybe he picked up a newspaper by accident and found out that he isn't as popular as he thought and simply lost it. Maybe some cops in one of the cities he visited forgot to stick some protesters in the very American "Free Speech Zone" and Bush got to see the truth. Who knows?


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