Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Life Sucks Edition

The Eagle-eyed among you may notice the appearance of a donation button in the right sidebar. I know it's kind of early in our acquaintance for such an innovation, but things happen.

See, I've been hoping for a new computer... I'm currently operating on a vintage-'99 model. Turn of the Century, really. And although a steam-powered computer may look fun, well, it's a pain in the butt. For instance, it just hates blogger's new interface. Will NOT cooperate with it at all. So I have to write my posts in raw html in wordpad, saving every second word in case it decides to crash, and then cut'n'paste the whole thing into the blogger post-create page and try to publish real fast before it notices what I'm doing.

I've been planning for a 21st century computer, when last week, the car flunked VA emissions. And only a new engine will solve the problem. I'm currently scanning Craigslist for cars that cost less than a rebuilt engine, and my 21st Century computer is fading to a distant dream. And do you have any idea how hard it is to buy coal to feed the firebox on this computer? not to mention the neighbors bitching about the soot...

So I thought I'd do the bloggy thing and put up a tiny unobtrusive tip jar; if you want to drop some spare change in, 'twould be a kindness.

If you want something tangible for your money, visit my Loot shop, link also to right. I'll be upgrading to a premium shop later this week so I can have an unlimited number of wicked bumperstickers and tees; bookmark and check back often.

We know return you to your regularly schedule bloggicity.


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