Saturday, March 22, 2008

Clinton Derangement Syndrome, Left Edition

Apparently CDS affects your reading skills. Camp Obama (by which I mean the candidate's adherents in the Internet EchoChamber) are in a tizzy over these remarks by Bill Clinton:

It'd be a great thing if we had an election where you had two people who love this country, who were devoted to the interest of the country and people could actually ask themselves who is right on these issues instead of all this other stuff which always seems to intrude on our politics.
CampO has taken this to mean Bill was saying that his wife and Senator McCain are patriotic, and that, by omission, Barack Obama is not.

Anyone not afflicted by CDS would read this as a wistful hope that one could hold an election (between any two candidates) and assume that they both, you know, gave a shit about the country and focus on their different solutions to problems facing us. But no. It's all about dissing The Chosen One.

How is this any different from hearing Obama's comment about his grandmother being a 'typical white person' and assuming, as the crazies at Fox and Friends do, that he's making racist comments about his own grandmother?


At 4:08 PM, Blogger Greenconsciousness said...

There are no crazies at FOX - that is another lie told by the same PEOPLE WHO LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING TO KEEP YOU FROM HEARING NEWS THEY ARE AFRAID OF --FOX IS GREAT ON CHILD ABUSE - ON MANY THINGS AND YES THEY ARE RIGHT CENTER BUT THAT IS BETTER THAN LEFT BO. Hanity & Glen Beck are far right and sometimes offensive but O'Reilly and the Women Hosts are great despite what you heard. Try it. Start here:

I know a second wave feminist whose books I love as several of them have expressed what I needed to know as if they were unlocking my feelings into words. She is a heroine of the movement starting with her book "Women and Madness" in '72 through my favorite, "Women's Inhumanity to Women" and the last "The Death of Feminism"(which is about western feminist's refusal to organize and fight the slave status of women under the Islamic theocracies).

Phyllis Chesler sent this note out to the blogosphere and I hope you get a change to watch TV tonight or tomorrow.
This weekend, on both Saturday and Sunday evenings at 8pm, EST, Fox-TV will be airing a one hour documentary about honor murders in America. They interviewed me (Phyllis Chesler) at length and you may see my face and my words on camera.

FOX was the only national media outlet that really covered the honor murder of Sarah and Amina Said in Dallas Texas early this year. Kudos to them for their interest in this subject. The crew told me that I was the only domestic violence expert willing to say that honor murders have something to do with….Islam and with Muslims.

The Fox team was utterly amazing: Friendly, professional, exceedingly well prepared. About six or seven serious men arrived with lights, cameras, and computers and they turned my home into a studio-quality locale. I was interviewed by the very beautiful and brainy Lauren Greene but as I now understand it, the program will also be hosted by Megan Kelly. Let me thank Justin Laffer and Byron Garoufalis for providing excellent backup.

I would welcome your views of the program and the subject right here at my blog.


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