Monday, December 27, 2004

Savor the irony

Back home from away, and what should meet my eyes but this delicious story off the wire:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House went all out to showcase the advantages of U.S. President George W. Bush's ambitious financial agenda this week, but in the end the "challenges" proved too much.

The word "challenges" -- a main theme of a two-day White House economic conference that ended on Thursday -- was misspelled on a large television monitor that stood in front of Bush during a panel discussion.

"Financial Challanges for Today and Tomorrow," the message proclaimed in dark blue capital letters against a bright yellow background.

The conference, which critics derided as a public relations event devoid of serious discussion, spotlighted a second-term Bush agenda that would reform Social Security and the tax code while making tax cuts permanent and cutting the deficit in half.

The White House had no immediate comment on the misspelling.

Betcha dollars to doughnuts (and you can hold the stakes in your mouth) that the Bushies will think this story is 'cute'...

But dang, it's such a metaphor, it's almost a META-metaphor.


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