Sunday, October 30, 2005

Game Theory

I am such a geek - I think it's fun to see applied mathematics in the news. From James Galbraith in the HuffPo, on the subject of "A Few Very Simple Thoughts on Plamegate":

4. If you were Dick Cheney, how would you feel about this? You don't know, you can't know, how Libby's feeling right now; that information is locked up in Libby's head. But you do know that he doesn't know, for sure, whether he can expect help from you. And you can't tell him, can you? At this point, Libby is beyond your control. If you have something to hide that he knows, you have to take it on faith that he won't divulge it. That being so, exactly how do you plan to handle your testimony at Libby's trial? This is, well, the prisoner's dilemma. It's set it up so that if Libby delivers Cheney, he will be better off than if he doesn't. And Cheney knows this now.
Brush up on your game theory here.


At 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The PD changes somewhat when you are mobbed up. Even though the communication is cut off there is a code, there is the brotherhood, and there are ways of sending messages. So Libby knows life will be better if he stays with the mob, both for him and his family.
I'm assuming Fitzgerald understands the neocon/Bushie crime family and has enough resources to entrap them all.


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