Thursday, October 27, 2005

Working the clock

Waiting for Fitzmas. Wondering what the advantage is of 'running out the clock'. Ace, got any sports-metaphoric ideas on this?


At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't find the reference so I can't help with a sports metaphor. Sorry.

At 2:37 PM, Blogger Arachnae said...

Fitzmas = When indictments are handed down. (you need to read more lefty blogs, Ace.) It appears that Fitzgerald is waiting until the last day of the currently enpanelled (impanelled? inpanelled?) Grand Jury. Just wondering why.

At 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I told you before that I only read 4 blogs; yours is one of them. I shant start reading "lefty blogs" any time soon just as I shant be reading the Drudge Report any time soon either.

When you "run the clock down" in a football or basketball game and score with virtually no time left, you leave the opposing team with no recourse - or way to get back at you. Hence the idea that "waiting for Ftizmas" [Is that like Waiting for Godot? Remember, Godot never shows up...] is a good legal strategy in the sense that there isn't anything for folks to do vis a vis the grand jury if indictments are handed down.

A word of caution for the "lefty bloggers" - if I may - since I would like to see indictments here equally as much as I wanted to see them handed down from Kenneth Starr's grand jury:

It is really unseemly - and really intellectually dishonest - to revel in the thought of indictments here IF you thought that Kenneth Starr's indictments were bogus. Remember the "lefty" matra from about 6-8 years ago: "You can indict a ham sandwich."

My position: Indictments are part of a process that has served the country well for 200+ years. But indictments only amount to something more than a pinch of dried weasel shit if they are followed by convictions or guilty pleas. That is where the process concludes...

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Arachnae said...

It is really unseemly - and really intellectually dishonest - to revel in the thought of indictments here IF you thought that Kenneth Starr's indictments were bogus.

Oh, please. Tell me you can tell the difference between lying that gets a bunch of people killed and our national integrity trashed and lying that might,if successful, spare your family pain and embarrassment. Please tell me you can distinguish between those two things.

At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I've missed this...


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