Thursday, April 27, 2006

Silver Linings

But just when you think the news is unrelieved doom and gloom, a bunch of protesters gets democracy (apparently) re-installed in Nepal.

I'm strangely cheered by this. I can't help but think that, should this crowd that currently 'leads' our nation consider a plan to foment more wars so they can suspend the constitution and postpone elections for the 'duration' of the neverending emergency, they will think of Nepal and reconsider. After all, the US is slightly different than Nepal - here, almost anyone can walk into a Walmart and buy a gun.


At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, Nepal is indeed different from the US. In Nepal they gave 12 year olds AK-47s and "trained" them to use them. They didn't even have to save up their money to go to a WalMart to buy them.

At 12:46 PM, Blogger Arachnae said...

In Nepal they gave 12 year olds AK-47s and "trained" them to use them.

Okay, I was wrong. Nepal isn't that different.... from Tennessee, Alabama and Arkansas.


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