Saturday, May 08, 2004

Never change horsemen in mid-apocalypse

This just in from Counterpunch via the Stranger - Pope believes George Bush is the Anti-Christ.

Well... yeah....

This brings up a point that's bothered me for the past year or two; apparently there are a lot of people who believe we're entering the End Times. To hear them tell it, the end of the world is coming soon, as prophesied of yore. Hence the popularity of the End Times novels, etc. And I really don't have much problem with end-timers as a rule, although they give me a deep sense of Deja Vu (remember the 'survivalists' of the sixties-seventies?) - if they all want to wait on the mountain top for the mothership to come collect them, that's cool with me.

But, I hasten to add, I find a belief in the impending end of the world kind of ... well, disqualifying in an elected official (and you KNOW some of our leaders think the end is nigh). I'd really prefer to be governed by folks that actually believed that the nation and the planet might actually be around in the twenty-second century. Because the decisions you make if you think you only have a limited time are significantly different than the ones you might make if you thought you'd have to live with the consequences.

Think about it - if you thought you were not going to have to go to prison, how many people might... well, take revenge on everyone that wronged them. (Well, not you per se, but I'm reasonably sure that there are people who would think 'oh well, gonna die anyway'.) If you thought you weren't going to be around very long, you might blow all your savings, or pig out all you wanted...

Anyway, to the "dance like nobody's watching" sequence, I'd like to add "Govern like you believe there is a tomorrow."


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